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Microsoft Business Solutions (MBS) Expired Exams
MB2-631 Expired Customization & Configuration in MS Dynamics CRM 4 Total Question: 53 SEE DETAILS
MB2-632 Expired Applications in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Total Question: 143 SEE DETAILS
MB2-633 Expired Installation and Deployment in MS Dynamics CRM 4.0 Total Question: 104 SEE DETAILS
MB2-634 Expired CRM 4.0 Extending Microsoft Dynamics Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
MB2-700 Expired Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Applications Total Question: 90 SEE DETAILS
MB2-701 Expired Extending Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Total Question: 90 SEE DETAILS
MB2-702 Expired Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Deployment Total Question: 90 SEE DETAILS
MB2-703 Expired Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customization and Configuration Total Question: 90 SEE DETAILS
MB2-704 Expired Microsoft Dynamics CRM Application Total Question: 89 SEE DETAILS
MB2-706 Expired Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Deployment Total Question: 48 SEE DETAILS
MB2-707 Expired Microsoft Dynamics CRM Customization and Configuration Total Question: 90 SEE DETAILS
MB2-708 Expired Microsoft Dynamics CRM Installation Total Question: 90 SEE DETAILS
MB2-709 Expired Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Total Question: 48 SEE DETAILS
MB2-710 Expired Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Online Deployment Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
MB2-711 Expired Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Installation Total Question: 96 SEE DETAILS
MB2-712 Expired Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Customization and Configuration Total Question: 93 SEE DETAILS
MB2-713 Expired Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Sales Total Question: 93 SEE DETAILS
MB2-714 Expired Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Customer Service Total Question: 90 SEE DETAILS
MB2-715 Expired Microsoft Dynamics 365 customer engagement Online Deployment Total Question: 92 SEE DETAILS
MB2-716 Expired Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customization and Configuration Total Question: 99 SEE DETAILS
MB2-717 Expired Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales Total Question: 116 SEE DETAILS
MB2-718 Expired Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Service Total Question: 90 SEE DETAILS
MB2-720 Expired Functional Application in Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Total Question: 90 SEE DETAILS
MB2-866 Expired Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Customization and Configuration Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB2-867 Expired Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Installation and Deployment Total Question: 74 SEE DETAILS
MB2-868 Expired Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Applications Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB2-876 Expired Extending Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Total Question: 81 SEE DETAILS
MB3-527 Expired GP 10.0 Installation & Configuration Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
MB3-528 Expired GP 10.0 Financials Total Question: 106 SEE DETAILS
MB3-529 Expired GP 10.0 Inventory & Order Processing Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
MB3-530 Expired GP 10.0 Integration Manager Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB3-532 Expired GP 10.0 Project Series Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB3-533 Expired Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources and Payroll Total Question: 49 SEE DETAILS
MB3-637 Expired GP 10.0 Manufacturing Applications Total Question: 100 SEE DETAILS
MB3-700 Expired Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Installation & Configuration Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB3-701 Expired Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Financials Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB3-859 Expired Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Financials Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB3-860 Expired Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Project Series Total Question: 80 SEE DETAILS
MB3-861 Expired Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Installation & Configuration Total Question: 130 SEE DETAILS
MB3-862 Expired Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Inventory & Order Processing Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB4-534 Expired SL 7.0 Installation & Configuration Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
MB4-535 Expired SL 7.0 Financials Total Question: 100 SEE DETAILS
MB4-536 Expired SL 7.0 Project Series Total Question: 100 SEE DETAILS
MB4-640 Expired SL 7.0 Customization Manager Total Question: 35 SEE DETAILS
MB4-641 Expired SL 7.0 Tools for VB Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
MB4-643 Expired SL 7.0 Inventory & Order Processing Total Question: 80 SEE DETAILS
MB4-873 Expired Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011 Financials Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB4-874 Expired Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011 Installation and Configuration Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB5-537 Expired Retail Management System 2.0 Store Operations Total Question: 73 SEE DETAILS
MB5-538 Expired Retail Management System 2.0 Headquarters Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
MB5-554 Expired Small Business Financials 9.0 Total Question: 181 SEE DETAILS
MB5-625 Expired C5 4.0 Project Total Question: 38 SEE DETAILS
MB5-626 Expired C5 4.0 Programming Total Question: 99 SEE DETAILS
MB5-627 Expired C5 4.0 System Consultant Total Question: 90 SEE DETAILS
MB5-629 Expired Microsoft Forecaster 7.0 Total Question: 80 SEE DETAILS
MB5-700 Expired Microsoft Dynamics C5 2012 Application Consultant Total Question: 70 SEE DETAILS
MB5-705 Expired Managing Microsoft Dynamics Implementations Total Question: 76 SEE DETAILS
MB5-845 Expired Dynamics POS 2009 Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
MB5-851 Expired C5 2008 Avancerat Programmering Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
MB5-853 Expired C5 2010 Payroll Total Question: 65 SEE DETAILS
MB5-854 Expired C5 2010 Programming Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB5-855 Expired C5 2010 Advanced Programming Total Question: 72 SEE DETAILS
MB5-856 Expired CS 2010 Application Consultant Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
MB5-857 Expired CS 2010 Project Total Question: 51 SEE DETAILS
MB5-858 Expired Managing Microsoft Dynamics Implementations Total Question: 70 SEE DETAILS
MB6-502 Expired AX 4.0 Product Builder Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
MB6-503 Expired AX 4.0 Installation & Configuration Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
MB6-504 Expired AX 4.0 Project Series Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB6-506 Expired AX 4.0 Questionnaire Total Question: 30 SEE DETAILS
MB6-507 Expired AX 4.0 Financials Total Question: 69 SEE DETAILS
MB6-508 Expired AX 4.0 Development Introduction Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB6-509 Expired AX 4.0 Trade and Logistics Total Question: 108 SEE DETAILS
MB6-510 Expired AX 4.0 Human Resource Management Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
MB6-511 Expired AX 4.0 Production Total Question: 125 SEE DETAILS
MB6-512 Expired AX 4.0 Enterprise Portal Development Total Question: 73 SEE DETAILS
MB6-513 Expired AX 4.0 MorphX Solution Development Total Question: 62 SEE DETAILS
MB6-700 Expired Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Project Total Question: 66 SEE DETAILS
MB6-701 Expired Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Retail exam Total Question: 90 SEE DETAILS
MB6-702 Expired Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Financials Total Question: 90 SEE DETAILS
MB6-703 Expired Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Trade and Logistics Total Question: 92 SEE DETAILS
MB6-704 Expired Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 CU8 Development Introduction Total Question: 90 SEE DETAILS
MB6-705 Expired Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 CU8 Installation and Configuration Total Question: 48 SEE DETAILS
MB6-817 Expired AX 2009 Trade & Logistics Total Question: 125 SEE DETAILS
MB6-818 Expired AX 2009 Financials Total Question: 155 SEE DETAILS
MB6-819 Expired AX 2009 Development Introduction Total Question: 149 SEE DETAILS
MB6-820 Expired AX 2009 Installation & Configuration Total Question: 100 SEE DETAILS
MB6-821 Expired AX 2009 MorphX Solution Development Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB6-822 Expired AX 2009 Production Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
MB6-823 Expired AX 2009 Project Series Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
MB6-824 Expired AX 2009 Human Resource Management Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
MB6-825 Expired AX 2009 Enterprise Portal Development Total Question: 45 SEE DETAILS
MB6-826 Expired AX 2009 Product Builder Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
MB6-869 Expired Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Development Introduction Total Question: 74 SEE DETAILS
MB6-870 Expired Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Trade and Logistics Total Question: 72 SEE DETAILS
MB6-871 Expired Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Financials Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB6-872 Expired Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Installation and Configuration Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB6-884 Expired MS Dynamics AX 2012 Lean Manufacturing Total Question: 79 SEE DETAILS
MB6-885 Expired Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Public Sector Total Question: 80 SEE DETAILS
MB6-886 Expired Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Process Manufacturing Production Total Question: 99 SEE DETAILS
MB6-889 Expired Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Service Management Total Question: 80 SEE DETAILS
MB6-890 Expired Microsoft Dynamics AX Development Introduction Total Question: 90 SEE DETAILS
MB6-892 Expired Microsoft Dynamics AX Distribution and Trade Total Question: 49 SEE DETAILS
MB6-893 Expired Microsoft Dynamics AX Financials Total Question: 92 SEE DETAILS
MB7-514 Expired NAV 5.0 C/SIDE Introduction Total Question: 104 SEE DETAILS
MB7-515 Expired NAV 5.0 Financials Total Question: 90 SEE DETAILS
MB7-516 Expired NAV 5.0 C/SIDE Solution Development Total Question: 117 SEE DETAILS
MB7-517 Expired NAV 5.0 Installation & Configuration Total Question: 87 SEE DETAILS
MB7-638 Expired NAV 5.0 Trade & Inventory Total Question: 63 SEE DETAILS
MB7-639 Expired NAV 5.0 Manufacturing Total Question: 93 SEE DETAILS
MB7-700 Expired Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Installation & Configuration Total Question: 76 SEE DETAILS
MB7-701 Expired Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Core Setup and Finance Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
MB7-702 Expired Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 C/Side Development Total Question: 81 SEE DETAILS
MB7-838 Expired NAV 2009 Installation & Configuration Total Question: 100 SEE DETAILS
MB7-839 Expired NAV 2009 Core Setup and Finance Total Question: 92 SEE DETAILS
MB7-840 Expired MB7-840 NAV 2009 C/SIDE Introduction Total Question: 100 SEE DETAILS
MB7-841 Expired NAV 2009 C/SIDE Solution Development Total Question: 95 SEE DETAILS
MB7-842 Expired NAV 2009 Trade & Inventory Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
MB7-843 Expired NAV 2009 Warehouse Management Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
MB7-846 Expired NAV 2009 Relationship Management Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
MB7-848 Expired NAV 2009 Service Management Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
MB7-849 Expired NAV 2009 Manufacturing Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS

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For Microsoft MBS exam preparation, adopt a new style. Prepare with the valid Microsoft MBS exam questions from BrainDumps4IT. Microsoft MBS dumps holds many functions that will enable you to pass Microsoft MBS exam in the first attempt. Not only that, you will also be able to score top marks in Microsoft MBS exam because of our Microsoft MBS exam software. Microsoft MBS exam preparation software is capable to conduct tests in an exam like simulation. At the end of Microsoft MBS preparation test, the software declares your score based on actual exam marking formula. This way you can learn about your score even before you appear for the real Microsoft MBS exam.