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Our IBM Certified Specialist exam sample questions are 100% authentic with verified answers by experts. If there is any new IBM Certified Specialist exam added in the certification it will be available as soon as possible on our website.

IBM Certified Specialist Certification (IBM Certified Specialist) Exams (Available)
C1000-059 IBM AI Enterprise Workflow V1 Data Science Specialist Total Question: 62 | Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025 SEE DETAILS
S1000-002 IBM Cloud Pak for Data Systems V1.x Administrator Specialty Total Question: 40 | Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025 SEE DETAILS
S1000-007 IBM AIX v7 Administrator Specialty Total Question: 46 | Last Updated: Mar 13, 2025 SEE DETAILS
IBM Certified Specialist Certification (IBM Certified Specialist) Expired Exams
C1000-016 Expired IBM Traditional Workloads Sales V2 Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C1000-020 Expired IBM New Workloads Sales V2 Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C1000-021 Expired IBM Virtualized Storage V2 Total Question: 106 SEE DETAILS
C1000-031 Expired IBM Power Systems Scale-Up Technical Sales Total Question: 101 SEE DETAILS
C1000-051 Expired IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1.8 Technical Specialist Total Question: 67 SEE DETAILS
C2010-636 Expired Requirements Management with Use Cases - Part 1 Total Question: 99 SEE DETAILS
C2010-637 Expired Requirements Management with Use Cases - Part 2 Total Question: 37 SEE DETAILS
C2020-004 Expired IBM Cognos ICM Essentials Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C2020-010 Expired IBM SPSS Modeler Professional v2 Total Question: 55 SEE DETAILS
C2020-011 Expired IBM SPSS Statistics Level 1 v2 Total Question: 55 SEE DETAILS
C2020-930 Expired IBM SPSS Modeler Professional v3 Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C2070-580 Expired IBM Case Manager V5.0 Total Question: 117 SEE DETAILS
C2070-581 Expired IBM FileNet Content Manager V5.1 Total Question: 114 SEE DETAILS
C2070-582 Expired IBM FileNet Business Process Manager V5.1 Total Question: 122 SEE DETAILS
C2070-583 Expired IBM Content Analytics and Search V2.2 Total Question: 141 SEE DETAILS
C2070-981 Expired IBM FileNet Content Manager V5.2, Specialist Total Question: 127 SEE DETAILS
C2070-982 Expired IBM Case Foundation V5.2, Specialist Total Question: 66 SEE DETAILS
C2080-470 Expired IBM Unica Campaign V8.5 Total Question: 104 SEE DETAILS
C2090-011 Expired IBM SPSS Statistics Level 1 v2 Total Question: 55 SEE DETAILS
C2090-461 Expired IBM InfoSphere Optim for Distributed Systems v9.1 Upgrade Total Question: 34 SEE DETAILS
C2090-463 Expired IBM InfoSphere Guardium Total Question: 130 SEE DETAILS
C2090-540 Expired IBM PureData System for Analytics v7.0 Total Question: 132 SEE DETAILS
C2090-550 Expired IBM solidDB and IBM solidDB Universal Cache Total Question: 122 SEE DETAILS
C2090-930 Expired IBM SPSS Modeler Professional v3 Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C2140-130 Expired IBM Rational ClearCase v7.1 Total Question: 80 SEE DETAILS
C2140-132 Expired IBM Rational ClearQuest v7.1 Total Question: 80 SEE DETAILS
C2140-636 Expired Requirements Management with Use Cases - Part 1 Total Question: 99 SEE DETAILS
C2140-637 Expired Requirements Management with Use Cases - Part 2 Total Question: 111 SEE DETAILS
C2140-822 Expired Rational Requirements Composer V3 Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C2140-823 Expired Rational Quality Manager V3 Total Question: 65 SEE DETAILS
C2150-139 Expired AppScan Standard Edition Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C2150-463 Expired IBM InfoSphere Guardium Total Question: 67 SEE DETAILS
C4030-670 Expired IBM Systems Networking Technical Support V1 Total Question: 139 SEE DETAILS
C4030-671 Expired IBM Systems Networking Sales V1 Total Question: 100 SEE DETAILS
C4060-155 Expired System x Server Family Sales V1 Total Question: 81 SEE DETAILS
C4060-156 Expired System x Server Family Technical Support V1 Total Question: 56 SEE DETAILS
C4070-603 Expired IBM System z Solution Sales V6 Total Question: 86 SEE DETAILS
C4070-604 Expired IBM System z Technical V5 Total Question: 57 SEE DETAILS
C4070-622 Expired System z Business Resiliency Solution Selling Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
C4070-623 Expired System z Cloud and Linux Solution Selling Total Question: 51 SEE DETAILS
C4090-450 Expired Midrange Storage Sales V1 Total Question: 115 SEE DETAILS
C4090-451 Expired IBM Midrange Storage Technical Support V3 Total Question: 150 SEE DETAILS
C4090-452 Expired IBM Storwize V7000 Technical Solutions V2 Total Question: 74 SEE DETAILS
C4090-453 Expired IBM System Storage DS8000 Technical Solutions V3 Total Question: 70 SEE DETAILS
C4090-454 Expired IBM High-End Tape Technical Solutions V7 Total Question: 76 SEE DETAILS
C4090-455 Expired High Volume Storage Fundamentals V3 Total Question: 73 SEE DETAILS
C4090-456 Expired IBM XIV Storage System Technical Solutions V4 Total Question: 70 SEE DETAILS
C4090-457 Expired IBM Storwize V7000 Implementation V1 Total Question: 78 SEE DETAILS
C4090-460 Expired IBM Midrange Storage Sales V2 Total Question: 58 SEE DETAILS
C4090-461 Expired IBM Midrange Storage Technical Support V4 Total Question: 64 SEE DETAILS
C4090-958 Expired Enterprise Storage Technical Support V3 Total Question: 143 SEE DETAILS
C4090-959 Expired Enterprise Storage Sales V3 Total Question: 120 SEE DETAILS
C4090-970 Expired IBM Enterprise Storage Sales V4 Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C4120-782 Expired IBM PureFlex Systems Sales V2 Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
C4120-783 Expired IBM PureFlex Technical Support V2 Total Question: 45 SEE DETAILS
C6040-752 Expired IBM Certified Specialist - Retail Store Solution Sales V4 Total Question: 65 SEE DETAILS
C6040-753 Expired Retail Store Solutions - 4690 Technical Solutions Total Question: 74 SEE DETAILS
C6040-754 Expired Retail Store Solutions - Windows Technical Solutions Total Question: 75 SEE DETAILS
C9020-460 Expired IBM Midrange Storage Sales V2 Total Question: 58 SEE DETAILS
C9020-461 Expired IBM Midrange Storage Technical Support V4 Total Question: 64 SEE DETAILS
C9020-560 Expired IBM Midrange Storage Sales V3 Total Question: 63 SEE DETAILS
C9020-562 Expired IBM Storwize Family Technical Solutions V4 Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C9020-563 Expired IBM System Storage DS8000 Technical Solutions V5 Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C9020-568 Expired IBM Enterprise Storage Technical Support V5 Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C9020-662 Expired IBM Virtualized Storage V1 Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C9020-667 Expired IBM New Workloads Sales V1 Total Question: 119 SEE DETAILS
C9020-668 Expired IBM Storage Technical V1 Total Question: 119 SEE DETAILS
C9020-970 Expired IBM Enterprise Storage Sales V4 Total Question: 61 SEE DETAILS
C9020-971 Expired IBM Enterprise Storage Technical Support V4 Total Question: 55 SEE DETAILS
C9030-622 Expired System z Business Resiliency Solution Selling Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
C9030-633 Expired IBM z Systems Solutions Sales V7 Total Question: 74 SEE DETAILS
C9030-634 Expired IBM z Systems Technical Support V6 Total Question: 78 SEE DETAILS
C9030-644 Expired IBM z Systems Technical Support V7 Total Question: 65 SEE DETAILS
C9510-130 Expired IBM Rational ClearCase v7.1 Total Question: 80 SEE DETAILS
C9510-132 Expired IBM Rational ClearQuest v7.1 Total Question: 80 SEE DETAILS
S1000-009 Expired IBM PowerVC V2.0 Administrator Specialty Total Question: 40 SEE DETAILS

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